"Morning Star", handwoven wool rug,  60cm x 144cm,  $750
"Truth", handwoven wool rug,  60" x 24",  $600
"Balance", handwoven wool rug,  48" x 24",  $550
"Bird Tribe", 62cm x 84cm wall hanging. Made with alpaca, mohair and specialty yarn.
Decorated with wooden beads and feathers. $550
"Sun & Sea",  70cm x 118cm altar cloth. Made with wool, alpaca and mohair fibers,  $450
"Vibrant Earth" 11 x 20" altar cloth. Made with wool and cotton fibers. Tassel corners, $325
"Passion & Joy" hand-woven altar cloth with vibrant colors of joyful fire energy.
Cotton and wool, 20" wide x 61" long, $400
"Water Weave" hand-woven altar cloth in the colors of the sea.
Made with cotton and wool, 17" wide x 50" long, $375
"Catalan Cloth", wool and cotton fibers. Red and yellow of the Catalan region, the blue of the Mediterranean, white for the snow of Mount Canigou (black), $275
"Gaia Cloth"  15.5" x 25" hand-spun wool, alpaca and moreno wool, $225
"Call of the Wild" 24" x 22" wall art, made with hand-spun musk ox wool, hand-spun silk, alpaca wool, decorated with jasper and wood beads and antique Peruvian braid, $35
"Ocean Dreaming", 31.5" x 18", Moreno and alpaca wool,
specialty yarn and glass beads, $325
"Light and Dark", 28" x 15" wall art,
alpaca wool and specialty yarn, $325

All Our Relations, 26 x 29, hand-spun musk ox, alpaca and sheep wool; wolf fur; crow, grouse, pelican and seagull feathers; bone and wood cross sections; agate, jasper, fossilized ammonites, wood and glass beads; leather and wood hanger. SOLD

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